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Our resources are designed to support both teachers and students to make learning about Christianity fun, relevant and exciting.

We are delighted to share with you our library of resources. You can use the filter feature below to find topics most relevant to your curriculum.

Want to organise the resources you use most in one place? Register as a user to add content to your own Boards.


Agape (love)

Spoken word video about Agape love

Christian Key Words and Definitions


Spoken word video about Church


Spoken word video about Grace


Spoken word video about Salvation


Spoken word video about Stewardship

Why is Jesus' Resurrection so Important to Christians?

Three Christians explain their views...

Why is Prayer so Important to Christians?

Why is the Bible Important to Christians?

JB Gill explains why he values the Bible

A Catholic Church Tour

St Wilfrid's, Northwich

A Christian Funeral Service

What does a Christian funeral look like?

A Christian Response to Euthanasia

Discover the views of three Christian professionals

A Christian Response to Social Issues

Discover what some Christians believe about different issues affecting society today

A Christian View of Prayer

A simple, interactive resource introducing prayer

A Christian's Response to Suffering

One Christian's story

A Day in the Life of a Monk

Read through this timeline to find out how a monk's day is structured...

A Guided Tour of St. Davids Cathedral

Explore St. Davids Cathedral with Canon Dorrien Davies

A Life Dedicated to God

What is it like to be a monk, a friar or a nun?

A Rocha

Christians caring for the natural world

A Roman Catholic View of Divorce

What is the Catholic view of divorce?

A Timeline of Church History

Find out about the background of the Christian Church

A Timeline of the Creation Story

What does Genesis 1 say about how the world was created?

A Virtual Tour of Canterbury Cathedral

A Virtual Tour of John Wesley's Chapel

A Virtual Tour of Westminster Abbey

A Virtual Tour of Westminster Cathedral

A Virtual Tour of York Minster

A Welsh Chapel

What is life like in a Welsh Chapel?


A Christian Perspective

Activity Idea: Suffering

Is God to blame?

Activity Idea: Suffering

Images and activity to support teaching about suffering

Addressing Poverty

One Christian's response to poverty

Adult Baptism

Why is baptism so important to Christians?

Adult Baptism

A number of Christians talk about their decision to be baptised

Adult Baptism

What happens during a believer's baptism?


What kind of love does God have for people?

Amy Carmichael

How did Amy become Amma?

An Anglican Church Tour

St Mary's, Nantwich

An Explanation of Infant Baptism

An Introduction to the Bible

What is so special about the Bible?

An Overview of the Bible

The story of the Bible in five minutes

An Overview of the Bible

Anglican Worship

Anglican church meeting structure

Animal Rights

Anti-Racist RE

Use these resources to explore this topic with your students


2019 Paper and Mark Scheme

Art as Worship

How can art help connect people to God?


Why did Jesus die for humanity? (Higher)


Why did Jesus die for humanity?

Atonement: Barabbas' Story

What can we learn about atonement from the story of the Barabbas?

Attitudes to Women in Church

Denominational differences

Baptism and Confirmation

An interactive introduction to baptism and confirmation

Baptism Explained

Why is baptism important for Christians?

Benefits and Challenges of Living in a Multi-faith Society

Benefits of a Multi-ethnic Society

Bereavement Lesson

At a Loss resources

Bible Quest

Introducing the Bible Quest Series

Bible Quest Timeline

What is the big story running through the Bible?

Bible Quest: Abraham & Sarah

How did Judaism begin?

Bible Quest: Calling of the Disciples

Who were Jesus' Disciples?

Bible Quest: Daniel

Why was Daniel thrown in the lion's den?

Bible Quest: David

Who was David and why was he important?

Bible Quest: Forgiveness

Why is it so important?

Bible Quest: Holy Week

Why is Easter so important to Christians?

Bible Quest: Holy Week and Easter

What is so important about Easter for Christians?

Bible Quest: Isaiah

How does God speak to people through prophets?

Bible Quest: Jesus' Baptism and Temptation

What happened when Jesus was baptised?

Bible Quest: Jonah

What happened to Jonah when he ran away from God?

Bible Quest: Judges & Kings

Who were the Judges and Kings of Israel?

Bible Quest: Kingdom of God

Bible Quest: Moses

How did God save His people from the Egyptians?

Bible Quest: Noah and the Flood

Why did God flood the world?

Bible Quest: Pentecost

What happened to Jesus' disciples during the festival of Pentecost?

Bible Quest: Pilgrimage

What is a pilgrimage?

Bible Quest: Revelation

What does the Bible say about the future?

Bible Quest: Stewardship

Why do Christians believe they should care for the world?

Bible Quest: The Ascension

What happened after Jesus was raised from the dead?

Bible Quest: The Beginning of Paul's story

What happened to change Saul into Paul?

Bible Quest: The Creation Story

An interactive exploration of the Christian Creation Story

Bible Quest: The Creation Story

What does the Bible say about creation?

Bible Quest: The Creation Story

Where did everything come from?

Bible Quest: The Crucifixion

An animated retelling of the crucifixion

Bible Quest: The Exile to Babylon

Why were the Israelites taken into slavery?

Bible Quest: The Fall

Where did sin come from?

Bible Quest: The Good News

What did Jesus do that is so great?

Bible Quest: The Last Supper and Arrest

An animated retelling

Bible Quest: The Lord's Prayer

What did Jesus teach about prayer?

Bible Quest: The Miracles of Jesus

Why did Jesus do miracles?

Bible Quest: The Nativity Story

What happened at the first Christmas?

Bible Quest: The Nature of God

What is God like?

Bible Quest: The New Testament

What does the New Testament contain?

Bible Quest: The Old Testament

Bible Quest: The Prodigal Son

What does this parable teach about forgiveness?

Bible Quest: The Teachings of Jesus

What did Jesus teach?

Bible Quest: The Ten Commandments

What rules for living did God give Moses?

Bible Quest: Zacchaeus Quiz

How well do you know the story of Zacchaeus?

Bible Stories: Abraham

A special promise from God

Bible Stories: Daniel in the Lions Den

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: David and Goliath

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Elijah

What do Christians learn about God through Elijah's story?

Bible Stories: Jonah

What can Christians learn about God from Jonah's story?

Bible Stories: Joseph and His Dreams

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Moses

What can Christians learn from the life of Moses?

Bible Stories: Noah

What can Christians learn about God through the story of Noah?

Bible Stories: Noah and the Flood

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Ruth

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Zacchaeus

What does this story teach Christians?

Bible Stories: Zacchaeus meets Jesus

What happens when Jesus visits a very greedy tax collector?

Bible: The Big Story

A modern parable, telling the Bible's story, from beginning to end...

Biblical Examples of Miracles

Biblical Miracles: Feeding of the 5,000

What can Christians learn from this story?

Biblical Teaching on Stewardship

Biblical Teachings About Punishment

Biblical Visions: Abraham

Biblical Visions: The Transfiguration

Billy Graham

Why is Billy Graham remembered?

Can Science and a Belief in God be Compatible?

One Christian's perspective

Can the Bible Be Relied Upon?

A Christian's view of the Bible

Can the Bible be Trusted?

Captain Ernest Gordon

What does it mean to be a real hero?

Causes of Poverty in the UK and the World

Causes of World Conflict

Challenge Team UK

Tackling the tough issues around sex

Charity: CARE

What is CARE involved with?

Charity: Glasgow City Mission

How does Glasgow City Mission support people?

Charity: Intercontinental Church Society

What does ICS do?

Charity: Micah Global

How do Christians respond to the challenge of world poverty and injustice?

Charity: Müllers

How is the work of George Müller continued today?

Charity: Ripple Effect

How does Ripple Effect help the poor in Africa?

Charity: Samaritan's Purse

How does the organisation respond to humanitarian disasters?

Charity: Tearfund

An exploration of the work of Tearfund

Charity: The Leprosy Mission

How have Christians responded to suffering in the world?

Charity: Traidcraft

How does Traidcraft help the poorest of people?

Christian Attitudes to Abortion

Arguments for and against

Christian Attitudes to Euthanasia

Arguments for and against

Christian Attitudes to Weapons of Mass Destruction

What does the Bible say?

Christian Attitudes Towards the Aims of Punishment

Christian Denominations

What is it like to lead a Christian community?

Christian Family Life

How does being a Christian affect family life?

Christian Funerals

What happens at a Christian funeral?

Christian Funerals

How do Christians remember someone who has died?

Christian Persecution Across the World

The work of Open Doors...

Christian Responses to Holy War

Christian Responses to Issues Surrounding Conflict

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of Conflict

Is conflict acceptable?

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of Miracles


Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of Religious Experiences

Religious Experiences

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of Religious Upbringing

Religious upbringing

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of the Cosmological Argument

The cosmological argument

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of the Design Argument

The design argument

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views of Visions

Visions and dreams

Christian Responses to Non-religious Views on WMD

Weapons of mass destruction

Christian Responses to Poverty

Christian Responses to the Problems Conflict Causes

Christian Responses to Weapons of Mass Destruction

Christian Symbols

What do the Christian symbols mean?

Christian Symbols

How do symbols demonstrate key Christian beliefs?

Christian Symbols

What do these Christian symbols mean?

Christian Teaching on Good and Evil Actions

Christian Teachings About Charity

Divergent attitudes to giving

Christian Teachings About Crime

Christian Teachings About Forgiveness

Christian Teachings About Raising Children

Belief in God

Christian Teachings About the Death Penalty

Christian Teachings on Equality

Christian Teachings on Poverty

Christian Teachings on Prejudice and Discrimination

Christian Teachings on Racial Discrimination

Christian Teachings on Racial Harmony

Christian Teachings on Social Justice

Christian Views on Religious Freedom

Christian Views Punishment

A video exploring this topic

Christian Weddings

What happens at a Christian wedding ceremony?

Christian Worship

Different denominations explored

Christianity in the Tudor Era

How did the Church evolve during the 16th century? View this timeline to find out

Christianity Workshop

Invite us in!

Christians in Parliament

Connecting Christians in Parliament

Christians in Science

Does Christianity and science always have to be in conflict?

Christians United

Do Christians from different churches ever meet together?

Christmas in the Bible Learning Activity

Lesson ideas

Christmas Traditions

What are the origins of our Christmas traditions?

Christmas Traditions

Where did our Christmas traditions start?

Christmas: A Traidcraft Advent

Christmas: A Treasure Hunt

Use the site to search out the answers to these Christmas trivia questions

Christmas: Advent

How do Christians prepare for Christmas?

Christmas: Advent

What does Advent mean to Christians?

Christmas: Advent

What makes advent a special time for Christians?

Christmas: Advent Calendars

Where did they start?

Christmas: Cards

Where does the idea of a Christmas card come from?

Christmas: Carols

What is the origin of these Christmas songs?

Christmas: Church Practices at Christmas

How is Christmas celebrated in churches?

Christmas: Create an Advent Calendar

Christmas: Drag and Drop Game

What is the story behind the Christmas celebrations?

Christmas: How do Christians Celebrate Jesus' Birth?

Discover the Christmas traditions.

Christmas: Joseph's Story

A modern retelling of the Christmas story.

Christmas: Mary's Story

A modern retelling of the Christmas story.

Christmas: Pairs Game

Find out more about Christmas as you play along with this interactive game

Christmas: Quiz

How much do you know about the Christmas story?

Christmas: Santa Claus

Who was Saint Nicholas?

Christmas: The Bible Story

What do we learn about Christmas in the Bible?

Christmas: The First Christmas

What happened at the first Christmas?

Christmas: The Key People in the Nativity

Discover more about the characters in the Christmas nativity story...

Christmas: The Nativity Story

What happened at the first Christmas?

Christmas: Who's who in the Christmas story?

Learn about the people in the Christmas Story

Christmas: Why do we have a tree at Christmas?

Why do Christians decorate Christmas trees?

Christmas: Why is it so Important to Christians?

What makes Christmas so special?

Christmas: Why trees?

What have Christmas trees got to do with Jesus' birth?


What is church, and what does it mean to Christians?


A simple, interactive resource introducing church

Church Colours

What colours are used throughout the Roman Catholic year?

Church Colours of the Year

Why are special colours used during the church year?

Church Colours of the Year

Primary School Activities

Church Denominations

Why are there different types of churches?

Church Inclusion

What have different churches said about discrimination?

Church Responses to a Multi-faith Society

Church Teachings About Peace

Church Tour

Explore the key features of three different churches

Commission on Religious Education - Final Report


Why is communion so important?


What do Christians remember during communion?


A simple, interactive resource introducing communion


A video exploration of communion

Communion: Remembering Jesus' Death

How do Christians remember Jesus' death on the cross?

Community Worship

Why do Christians worship together?

Compassion International

How does Compassion International tackle poverty?


What happens when someone is confirmed?


What happens during a confirmation service?


Primary school teaching resource

Conversion Experience

Cymraeg and English versions

Conversion Experience

Learn from Christians about why they decided to become a Christian...

Conversion Experience

How can a new faith impact someone's life?

Conversion Experience: A Changed Life

From criminal to Christian

Cornish Saints

Learn about some more Cornish Saints

Cornish Saints

Read about famous saints from Cornwall

Corrie ten Boom

Christian forgiveness in action

Creation: Did God Make Dinosaurs?

Why aren't they mentioned in the Bible?

Creation: Pairs Game

What does the Bible tell us about how the world was created?

Creation: Science vs Religion

Could they both be right?

Creative RE is better RE

with Lat Blaylock

Crime and Punishment

Videos offering a Christian perspective

Crime and Punishment

An overview...

Crime and Sin: What's the Difference?

An explanation...

David Nasmith and the Glasgow City Mission

How did this amazing work begin?


Why do some Christians choose dedication over infant baptism?


What happens during a dedication service?

Design vs Science

Does science disprove the design argument?

Desmond Tutu

A Christian who worked for racial harmony

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

A summary of his life

Different Christian Interpretations of Creation

Literal and metaphorical views...

Different Christian Views About Life After Death

Different Christian Views of Cohabitation

Different Christian Views of Contraception

Family Planning

Different Christian Views on Divorce

Different Features of a Church

A tour of a church

Different Interpretations of the Bible

Which version of the Bible is best?

Different Styles of Christian Worship

How do Christians use music in worship?

Different Types of Church Mission

Local, national and global...

Different Ways of Praying

Different ways to Pray

Taking time to speak with God

Discover Magazine

An RE resource for teachers

Discussion Ideas: Jesus

Discussion starter

Discussion Ideas: Miracles

Discussion starter

Discussion Ideas: Prayer

Discussion starter

Discussion Ideas: Social Justice

Discussion starter

Divergent Christian Attitudes Towards the Treatment of Criminals

Divergent Christian Teachings About Conflict

Divergent Christian Teachings About Pacifism

Divergent Christian Teachings About Passive Resistance

Divergent Christian Views on Just War


One Christian's experience of divorce

Divorce and Remarriage

Listen to one couples' experience of remarriage in the Church

Do Miracles Still Happen Today?

Two Christians share their experience

Do Miracles Still Occur Today?

Listen to some examples of miracles experienced by Christians

Do Prisons Work?

Are they an effective way of dealing with criminals?

Does God Exist?

Reasons for belief in God

Does God Exist? The God Delusion

An exploration of atheism through Richard Dawkins' arguments, with a Christian response

Does God Exist? The Modern Arguments

What are the Modern Arguments for God's existence?

Dress a Vicar

An interactive resource exploring the colours that are used at special times in the church

Drugs & Alcohol

How do Christians view drugs & alcohol?

Easter: 40acts @Lent

A different way to celebrate Lent

Easter: A Catholic Celebration of Maundy Thursday

What happens during a Catholic Maundy Thursday service?

Easter: A Good Friday Service in a Catholic Church

How do Catholics remember Jesus' death?

Easter: Ash Wednesday

The beginning of Lent

Easter: Catholic Vigil

How do Catholics celebrate the resurrection of Jesus?

Easter: Chocolate Eggs

What has chocolate got to do with Easter?

Easter: Drag and Drop Game

Can you retell the Easter story?

Easter: Good Friday

What do Christians remember on Good Friday?

Easter: Holy Week

A series of videos exploring the events of Holy Week

Easter: Home Learning Pack

What is Easter all about?

Easter: How is Good Friday remembered?

Watch the videos to find out how Christians remember Jesus' death

Easter: John's Eyewitness Account

Why is Easter so important to Christians?

Easter: Lent

What happens during Lent?

Easter: Lent

What do Christians remember during Lent?

Easter: Make an Easter Garden

Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter Garden?

Easter: Maundy Thursday

What do Christians remember on Maundy Thursday?

Easter: Maundy Thursday

How do churches mark Maundy Thursday?

Easter: Pairs Game

An interactive exploration of this important festival

Easter: Palm Sunday

What is remembered on Palm Sunday?

Easter: Palm Sunday

An animated version of the events of Palm Sunday

Easter: Resurrection

Easter: Resurrection Evidence

What happened to Jesus' body?

Easter: Shrove Tuesday

What are the origins of this day?

Easter: Shrove Tuesday

What do pancakes have to do with Easter?

Easter: Stations of the Cross

What happened on Jesus' journey to the cross?

Easter: The Anointing

An animated retelling

Easter: The Centurion's story

A dramatic monologue describing Jesus' death on the cross

Easter: The Crucifixion

Details of Jesus death

Easter: Was Jesus' death predicted?

What do Christians believe about why Jesus died?


Christians United


2019 Paper and Mark Scheme

Enabling your pupils to learn from Jesus

with Lat Blaylock

Eric Liddell

Christian missionary to China


Christian medical professionals give their view on euthanasia


Key terms explained

Euthanasia and the Law in the UK


What is an evangelist?


Why do Christians get involved in evangelism?

Evidence for God's Existence

Where can we find proof that he exists?

Evil and Suffering

The Problem of Evil and Suffering

Evil and Suffering

JB Gill explains his view, as a Christian, on suffering

Evil and Suffering: A Christian Response

What do Christians think about suffering?

Evil and Suffering: A Christian Response

What is Tearfund's vision and purpose?

Evil and Suffering: A Christian Response

If God is a saviour, how come bad things still happen?

Exploring Creation

Who created the world?

Faith and Football

Can faith and football mix?

Faith: Answered Prayer

A Christian woman's experience of infertility

Faith: Answers to Prayer

Listen to a Christian's experience of God answering her prayers...

Faith: Caring Through Work

One Christian's experience of serving God through her nursing job...

Faith: Christian Practices

Faith: Giving Back to God

What does the Bible say about giving money to God?

Faith: Inspired Art

How has their faith inspired these artists and their work?

Faith: Living the Christian Life

Chip Kendall shares some thoughts

Faith: What does it mean to be a Christian?

Listen to some Christians talk about what their faith means to them

Faith: What is a Christian?

How does someone become a Christian?

Faith: Why Do People Choose to Follow Jesus Today?

Christians explain the reason for their faith

Features of a Christian Upbringing

Festivals: A Harvest Story

Learn all about Harvest through the story of Squeak the mouse

Festivals: All Saints' Day

Why is All Saints' Day celebrated?

Festivals: Harvest

What is so special about a Harvest loaf?

Festivals: Harvest Festival

A brief interactive activity

Festivals: Harvest Festivals

How do Christians celebrate harvest?

Festivals: Harvest Fun

An interactive game for exploring harvest festival

Festivals: Key Christian Celebrations

What are the main Christian events that occur every year?

Ffynnon St Gwenffrewi

‘Lowrdes Cymru’


A Christian view of forgiveness...

Forgiveness for Offenders by the Community

Free Will

What do Christians believe about choice and free will?

Freedom from Addiction

Emma's testimony

From Conception to Birth

How does the foetus develop?

GCSE Exam Syllabus'

AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC Eduqas

George Muller

A life filled with miracles

God and the Big Bang

Exploring the relationship between science and faith

God and the Big Bang

God's Grace

Learning resource and exam questions

God's Response to Sin

Why did Jesus die on the cross?

Good News for Everyone giveaways


What do Christians believe about earning God's approval?

Harvest Festival

Primary school teaching resources

Harvest Festival

What happens during a harvest festival?

Hearing from God

How does God speak to people?

Home Learning Project: Christian Beliefs & Practices

What does it mean to be a Christian?

Home Learning Project: Forgiveness

Why is forgiveness important?

Home Learning Project: Incarnation

Why did Jesus come to earth in human form?

Home Learning Project: Love Your Neighbour

How does faith in God affect a Christian's life?

Home Learning Project: Prayer

What is prayer?

Home Learning Project: Social Justice

Why is social justice important to Christians?

How can a good God allow suffering?

Where is God in the midst of suffering?

How Can We Be Sure God Exists?

What is God like?

How Did the Roman Catholic Church Start?

Find out about how Emperor Constantine introduced Christianity to the Roman Empire

How do Christians make moral decisions?

Deciding right and wrong...

How do Christians Pray?

Learn about some different ways Christians pray

How do Christians Use Art to Worship God?

How do Christians use the Bible?

How do Christians View Prayer?

What is prayer?

How do Funerals Reflect Christian Beliefs About the Afterlife?

How do Miracles Offer Evidence of the Nature of God?

How do Prayers Lead to Belief in God?

How Does God Help Christians During Times of Suffering?

One Christian's experience

How Does God Help Christians During Times of Suffering?

Phil's Story

How Does Racial Discrimination Cause Problems for Society?

How does the Bible influence the lifestyle choices Christians make?

One Christian's journey with alcohol

How Does the Bible Point to Jesus as the Messiah?

How does the Church serve the community?

What happens in churches during the week?

How Does the Parish Support Families?

Strengthening Christian families...

How is the Bible helpful for Christians?

What can the Bible teach them?

How is the Bible Structured?

What do the books of the Bible contain?

How to Become a Monk or a Friar

Can you become a monk overnight?

How to Make a Christingle

Celebrate Jesus' birth in style

How to support children dealing with grief...

with Kevin Benson

Human Rights

How has the United Nations played a role in the development of human rights?

Importance of Justice, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Peacemaking

Important Places Christians Visit

Where do Christians go on pilgrimage?

Independent Churches

What is life like in an independent church?

Infant Baptism

What happens during an infant baptism?

Infant Baptism

A simple, interactive resource introducing infant baptism

Inside a Church...

What can you find inside a church?

Inside an Orthodox Church

Explore the key features of an Orthodox church

Inside an Orthodox Church

An orthodox Christian's guide to their church

Intelligent Design

Was God involved in the creation of the world?

Interfaith Dialogue

How do Christians interact with other faiths?

Interfaith Dialogue

How do Christians today respond to people of different faiths?

International Justice Mission

A Christian response to suffering

Iona, a 'Thin Place'

Who founded the monastery on the Island of Iona?

Is Jesus a Revolutionary?

Is Jesus Even Real?

How do we know if Jesus existed?

Is Jesus God's Reflection?

Is Jesus Offering Relationship?

Is Jesus Our Rescuer?

Is Jesus Still Relevant?

Is Jesus...?

A series of videos about Jesus from Kleer Series

Is Science Provable?

Is the Bible Relevant Today?

(Higher version)

Is the Bible Relevant Today?

Is the Bible Reliable?

Is the Bible historically accurate?

Is the Bible Reliable?

Issues: Addiction

One Christian's story of overcoming drug dependency

Issues: Addiction to Pornography

and how it affects you and others...

Issues: Alcohol Abuse

What are the key Christian attitudes to alcohol abuse?

Issues: Alcohol and the Bible

Should Christians stay away from drink?

Issues: Apartheid

How did Christian principles help to heal South Africa after apartheid?

Issues: Christians in Politics

Why do Christians get involved in politics?

Issues: Drugs

Is the Bible for or against drug use?

Issues: Fertility Treatments

What are the main types?

Issues: IVF

What is the Christian response to IVF?

Issues: IVF

A Christian Perspective

Issues: Money

What does the Bible have to say about wealth?

Issues: Politics

Why do some Christians become involved in politics?

Issues: Social Media

What would Jesus tweet?

Issues: Substance Abuse

What are the key Christian attitudes to alcohol and drug abuse?

Issues: The Media

What's the Christian view?


Who is Jesus and what do we know about him?


Who is Jesus? An introduction

Jesus and Conflict

Is Jesus for or against conflict?

Jesus and Punishment

Supporting reformation as the key aim of punishment

Jesus as a Peacemaker

Jesus In One Word

Christians describe Jesus in one word...

Jesus' Baptism

The different members of the Trinity appear together

Jesus' Birth Story

Was Jesus the Messiah that everyone was waiting for?

Jesus' Life and Ministry

Jesus' Life Story

What are some of the important events in Jesus' life?

Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection

A series of mosaic images telling Jesus' life story, step by step

Jesus' Miracles

What are miracles and what do Christians believe they tell us about Jesus?

Jesus' Resurrection

What is so important about the resurrection?

Jesus' Teaching on Sharing

What can we learn from the widow who gave just two coins away?

Jesus' Teaching: Anger

What did Jesus teach about getting angry?

Jesus' Teaching: Faith

What did Jesus teach about faith?

Jesus' Teaching: Judging Others

What did Jesus teach about judging other people?

Jesus' Teaching: Love Your Enemies

What did Jesus teach about love?

Jesus' Teaching: Sermon on the Mount

Jesus' Teaching: The Greatest Commandment

Find out about agape love

Jesus' Teaching: The Kingdom of God

What did Jesus teach about the Kingdom of God?

Jesus' Teaching: The Lord's Prayer

What did Jesus teach about prayer?

Jesus' Teaching: The Widow's Mite

What did Jesus teach about giving?

Jesus: Evidence for His Existence

Evidence from history: Contemporary Roman accounts

Jesus: Evidence for His Existence

Evidence from history: The Babylonian Talmud

Jesus: Evidence for His Existence

Evidence from history: Josephus' account of Jesus

Jesus: Evidence for His Existence

Evidence from history: Old Testament scriptures

Jesus: I Am... The Good Shepherd

Primary school activities to learn more about who Jesus was...

Jesus: Key Questions Answered

What do we know about Jesus?

Jesus: The Atonement

Learning resource and exam questions

Jesus: The Incarnation

Why is Christmas so important to Christians?

Jesus: The Messiah

An exploration into why Jesus is believed to be the Messiah promised in the Old Testament

Jesus: The Passover

How does Jesus fulfill the Passover?

Jesus: The Resurrection

Why do Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead?

Jesus: The Word

An exploration of John's Prologue

John Bunyan

The author of The Pilgrim's Progress...

John Smyth and the Baptist Church

How did the Baptist Church begin?

John Wesley

How did the Methodist Church start?

John's Eyewitness Account of Holy Week

Hear about what John saw during the last week of Jesus' life

John's Prologue

Introducing Jesus, Son of God, Messiah...

Just War

One Christian's view of war...

Kingdom of God: Faith and Football

What positive impact can football have on society?

Learning Resource: The Life of Jesus

Image-based lesson ideas for teachers

Lesson Idea: Easter Garden

Find out how to make an Easter Garden

Life After Death

What do Christians believe happens after they die?

Life After Death

Key Christian concepts explained

Life in a Monastery

How do monks live their lives?

Life in the Church of Scotland

Sacraments in the Church of Scotland

Life of a Welsh Chapel Minister

Cymraeg and English versions


How was the Christian community on Lindisfarne founded?

Liturgical and Non-liturgical Forms of Worship

What's the difference?

Lord Shaftesbury

What was so special about Lord Shaftesbury?

Loss and Hope: Supporting Bereaved Young People

Tips on how to support young people

Made in God's Image

What does 'imago Dei' mean?

Martin Luther

Why was Martin Luther so important for the Christian church?

Martin Luther King

What was Martin Luther King's dream?

Martin's Story

Do miracles really happen? Listen to one Christian's experience.

Mary Jones

The Welsh girl who inspired the founding of The Bible Society

Mary Jones

Y ferch o Gymru a ysbrydolodd sefydlu Cymdeithas y Beibl

Mary Slessor

The story of one of the first female overseas missionaries

Medieval Churches

How did churches evolve in the middle ages?

Miracles: A Catch of Fish

What can Christians learn from this miracle?

Miracles: Blind Bartimaeus

Jesus heals a blind man

Miracles: Calming the Storm

What did Jesus do in the middle of a raging storm?

Miracles: Calming the Storm

Even the weather obeys Jesus!

Miracles: Casting out demons

What happened when Jesus met a man named Legion?

Miracles: Full Nets

What happened when Jesus went out in Peter's fishing boat?

Miracles: Full Nets Again

Who was the man who told Peter and his friends where to catch the fish?

Miracles: Jairus' daughter

Jesus brings a girl back to life

Miracles: Jesus Feeds the 5000

An illustrated retelling of this miracle

Miracles: Jesus Heals a Blind Man

What happened when Jesus met people who were unwell?

Miracles: Lake Stories

What was it like to witness Jesus' miracles?

Miracles: One Christian's Experience

Does God interact with people today?

Miracles: Raising the Dead

What did Jesus do in the face of death?

Miracles: The Feeding of the 5,000

How did Jesus treat people who were hungry?

Miracles: The Healing of the Paralysed Man

What does this miracle teach Christians?

Miracles: The Healing of the Ten Lepers

What happened when ten men were healed from leprosy?

Miracles: The Raising of Lazarus

Lazarus' sister tells us what happened when Jesus raised him from the dead

Miracles: Water Into Wine

Jesus' first miracle

Moral Choices

How do Christians decide what is right or wrong?

Mother Teresa

Why is Mother Teresa so famous?

Mother Teresa

What did Mother Teresa do to help people?

Natural and Moral Suffering

New Testament Miracles

Noah Pairs Game

Who was this man of faith and what did God promise him?

Non-biblical Visions: St Bernadette


2019 Paper and Mark Scheme

Old Testament Miracles

What miracles occurred in the Old Testament?


Is there an alternative to war?


Jesus' teaching through stories

Parables: Pairs Game

What parables do you know?

Parables: The Good Samaritan

What does this parable teach Christians?

Parables: The Good Samaritan

Stories Jesus told

Parables: The Good Samaritan

How are we to treat others? Jesus teaches about loving others

Parables: The Good Samaritan

Would you stop and help someone in need?

Parables: The Good Samaritan

Primary school teaching resources

Parables: The Good Samaritan in Pictures

How should we treat other people?

Parables: The Kingdom of God

Why did Jesus teach using stories?

Parables: The Lost Coin and the Lost Sheep

What can Christians learn through these parables?

Parables: The Lost Son

The story of a father's unconditional love and forgiveness

Parables: The Lost Son

Why does a father wait for his lost son?

Parables: The Lost Son

What happened when a foolish son wasted all his father's money on parties and expensive gifts?

Parables: The Lost Son

How can you be generous with your forgiveness?

Parables: The Rich Man and Lazarus

What did Jesus teach about looking after others?

Parables: The Rich Young Man

What is really important? Find out what Jesus thought in this film.

Parables: The Seed Sower

What did Jesus mean when He told the story of the Seed Sower?

Parables: The Sheep and the Goats

What does this parable teach Christians?

Parables: The Talents

How can we make the most of the gifts that we have?

Parables: The Three Servants

Stories Jesus told

Parables: The Unforgiving Servant

What can Christians learn from this parable?

Parables: The Unforgiving Servant

What did Jesus teach about the importance of forgiveness?

Parables: The Unforgiving Servant

How many times must Christians forgive someone?

Parables: The Wise & Foolish Builders

What can Christians learn from this story?

Parables: The Wise and Foolish Builders

What happened to the house that was built on sand and the house that was built on rock?

Passive Resistance

Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil

Paul's Conversion Experience

Paul changes his mind about Christianity

Pax Christi

Christians working for peace


How did the Church begin?

Pentecost: The Gift of the Holy Spirit

What do Christians celebrate at Pentecost?

Pierre-Marie Theas

Agape love in action


What is pilgrimage, and why do people go on them?

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

Hear a Christian perspective on pilgrimage

Pilgrimage: Iona

What is so special about Iona?

Pilgrimage: Iona Walk Timeline

What do you see on the pilgrimage walk?

Pilgrimage: Special Places

What makes a place special?

Pilgrimage: St Davids Cathedral

Why is St Davids Cathedral a place of pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage: The Two Saints Way

What is is like to go on a pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage: Two Saints Way

What is the Two Saints Way pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage: Tyr Pererin at St. Davids

What does Tyr Pererin offer visitors and pilgrims?


How does God speak to people today?


What is Christian prayer?


Why do Christians believe prayer is so important?

Prayer and Meditation

How can Christians feel close to God?


Hear one Christian's view on prejudice...

Prejudice and Discrimination

What are they, and what problems do they cause?

Printable Bible Quest Timeline

A primary school resource

Prison Fellowship

Christian action taken to end crime

Prophetic Art

Can God speak to people through art?

Quality of Life

What is the Christian view?

RE Performance Review

The latest research

Redemption Through Salvation

RESPECTED: Relationship and Sex Education for Secondary Schools

RSE resources

Restorative Justice

The Christian view


How does God reveal himself to Christians?

Revelation Through Jesus

Revelation Through the Bible

Rites of Passage

How do Christians celebrate big life events?

Rites of Passage

What are the main rites of passage in Christianity?

Roles in the Family

Husbands and Wives

Roles in the Family

Parents and Children

Roman Catholic Church Leaders

What is the role of the Catholic priest?

Roman Catholic Days of Obligation

What are the special days in the Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic Glossary

A list of keywords and definitions

Roman Catholic Mass

How do Catholics worship God?

Roman Catholic Sacraments

What are the seven sacraments?

Saint Andrew

What do we know about the patron saint of Scotland?

Saint Augustine

Who was St Augustine?

Saint Catherine

Patron saint of students, unmarried girls and apologists

Saint David

The patron saint of Wales

Saint Francis of Assisi

Why is Saint Francis so famous?

Saint George

The patron saint of England

Saint Hilda

Saint Julian of Norwich

Saint Lawrence

Patron Saint of Rome

Saint Patrick

Patron saint of Ireland

Saint Peter

What do we know about Jesus' disciple?

Saint Piran

Why is Saint Piran so important?

Saint Valentine

Patron saint of love


How does somebody become a saint?


What is salvation? (Higher)


Learning resource and exam questions

Salvation Explained

What is salvation? (Easier)

Salvation: God's Rescue Plan for Humanity

What happened when Jesus died?

Salvation: God's Response to Sin

What do Christians believe happened when Jesus died?

Salvation: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?


Salvation: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?


Science & Faith

Has science disproved the existence of God?

Science & the Environment

A Christian scientist's perspective...

Science and Faith

Can science and faith be compatible?

Science and Faith

Does science disprove religion?

Sermon on the Mount: Adultery and Divorce

Sermon on the Mount: Charity and Prayer

What did Jesus have to say about attitudes to charity and prayer?

Sermon on the Mount: Forgiveness

Learn what Jesus meant when He said, 'love your enemies'...

Sermon on the Mount: God's Provision

What did Jesus teach about worry?

Sermon on the Mount: Money

What did Jesus teach about money and giving?

Sermon on the Mount: Prayer

Jesus' teaching on prayer

Sermon on the Mount: Promises

What did Jesus say about making promises?

Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes

What did Jesus have to say about being blessed?

Sermon on the Mount: The Law

Sermon on the Mount: Worry

Why be anxious?

Serving the Local Community

The Message Trust

Sex, the Media and Identity

Listen to several Christian's views...

Sexual Relationships

What do Christians think about sex?

Situation Ethics

Making moral decisions...

Social Justice: A Christian Repsonse to Suffering

An interview with Christian activist, Shane Claiborne

Social Justice: Lesson 1 - What is Persecution?

An Open Doors lesson plan with resources

Social Justice: Lesson 2 - How Does the Church Respond to Persecution?

An Open Doors lesson plan with resources

Solutions to Inequality

How do Christians help?

St Davids Cathedral

Enjoy a virtual tour of the cathedral...

St Winifrede's Well

'The Lourdes of Wales'

St. Davids Cathedral, Cymraeg

Explore St. David's Cathedral with Canon Dorian Davies


What do Christians believe about caring for the environment?


What does it mean to be a 'good steward'?


JB Gill explains his view of the environment and stewardship

Stewardship Lesson Activity

Christian views about the environment

Stewardship: In the Beginning...

Should Christians be greener than everybody else?

Stewardship: Little Things-Big Impact

What do Christians believe their role should be?

Street Pastors

Christian action to end crime in the local community

Structure of the Anglican Church

Who's who in the Anglican Church?

Suffering: A Christian Response

Turning disability into possibility


A Christian response to world poverty...

The 39 Articles of Religion

What do they teach about the resurrection of Christ?

The Afterlife: Heaven and Hell

What do Christians believe, and why?

The Afterlife: Judgement Day

The Afterlife: Purgatory

A Roman Catholic view of life after death

The Afterlife: Resurrection on Judgement Day

Different views explored...

The Aims of Punishment

An exploration of the purpose of punishment...

The Anglican Church

Key features

The Anthropic Theory

God in Creation: The 'Anthropic Principle'

The Apocrypha

Why do Catholic Bibles have more books than other versions?

The Apostles' Creed

What do Christians believe?

The Ascension

What is remembered on Ascension Day?

The Baptist Church

What's life in a Baptist Church like?

The Bible

Can the Bible be trusted?

The Bible

An interactive introduction to the Bible

The Bible and Punishment

What does the Bible say about punishment?

The Bible vs the Apostles' Creed

The Trinity

The Bible's Structure

The Bible: A Catholic View

What does a Catholic Friar have to say about the Bible?

The Bible: A Roman Catholic View

What does a Catholic friar have to say about the Bible?

The Bible: New Testament

Explore some stories from the New Testament

The Bible: Old Testament

Explore some stories from the Old Testament

The Big Christmas Quiz!

How well do you know the Christmas story?

The Book of Common Prayer

How did the Book of Common Prayer come about?

The Causes and Consequences of Crimes

The Causes and Consequences of Inequality

The Christian Declaration on Nature, Assisi 1986

The Christian Response to Slavery

The Christian View of Abortion

Listen to Christians discuss their views on abortion

The Christian View of Human Rights

Do Christians fully support human rights?

The Church

What exactly is meant by Church?

The Church and Social Justice

The Church of Scotland

What is worship in the Church of Scotland like?

The Church of Scotland's Work in the Community

How does the Church of Scotland care for the community?

The Classical Arguments

An overview

The Cosmological Argument

The First Cause argument explained

The Creation Story

What does the book of Genesis say about creation?

The Decalogue

What are the Ten Commandments?

The Design Argument

The teleological argument explained

The Design Argument: Fibonacci's Golden Ratio

Evidence of intelligent design?

The Early Church

What were the very first churches like?

The Easter Story

Who was this Jesus?

The Elim Pentecostal Church

How did the Elim Pentecostal Church begin?

The English Reformation

How did Henry VIII's personal life affect the Church in the 16th century?

The English Reformation

How did it come about?

The Environment

How do Christians view environmental issues?

The Eucharist

Why and how do Christians celebrate the Eucharist?

The Existence of God

Is God real? What is He like?

The Fall: A Christian Response to Evil and Suffering

Why do people do bad things?

The Family in the Parish Today

Importance of support by church communities

The Five Marks of Mission

An Anglican Church statement on mission

The Free Church of Scotland

One person's experience of life in the Free Church of Scotland

The Free Church of Scotland

How did it start, and how is it different?

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

What does the Holy Spirit do?

The Golden Rule

How does it help Christians make moral decisions?

The Good News: Christians in Sport

What does it mean to be part of Christians in Sport?

The Great Commission

Why do Christians believe it's important to share the Good News?

The History of Christian Pilgrimage

The History of the Church of Scotland

How did the Church of Scotland begin?

The History of the Early Church

How did the Church begin?

The Hospice Movement

What is the Christian alternative to euthanasia?

The Importance of Family

An exploration of the purpose of family

The Importance of Justice for Victims

The Importance of Justice to Christians

The Importance of Peace

The Importance of the Events of Holy Week

The Importance of the Local Church

The Importance of the Worldwide Church

The Independent Church

What is an independent church like?

The Iona Community

The pilgrimage walk...

The Just War Theory

Conditions for a just war...

The Key Events of Holy Week

The last days of Jesus' life...

The Key Events of Jesus' Life

A timeline of Jesus' life

The Lord's Prayer

What did Jesus teach about prayer?

The Lord's Prayer

An in-depth look at the Lord's Prayer

The Methodist Church

What is life like in a Methodist Church?

The Methodist Movement

How did the Methodist Church start?

The Naked Truth Project

How do you cope with addiction?

The Names of Jesus

The 'I ams'...

The Nature and Purpose of Capital Punishment

The Nature and Purpose of Christmas

A summary of this famous festival

The Nature and Purpose of Easter

A summary of Easter's key features

The Nature and Purpose of Pilgrimage

Why is pilgrimage so important to Christians?

The Nature of Justice

The Nature of Mission and Evangelism

Why do Christians share their faith?

The Nature of Poverty

The New Testament

What does the New Testament contain?

The New Testament as a Historical Document

Can we trust what we read in the New Testament?

The Nicene Creed

What do all Christians believe?

The Old Testament

What does the Old Testament contain?

The Origins of the Universe

Science meets faith

The Pentecostal Church

Beliefs and Practises

The Pope

Learn all about the leader of the Roman Catholic Church...

The Problem of Evil and Suffering

If God exists why does he allow suffering?

The Purpose of Marriage

Why is marriage so important to Christians?

The Quakers

What does it mean to be a Quaker?

The Quakers and Pacifism

The Resurrection

What do Christians believe happened on Easter Sunday?

The Role of Religion in Conflict

Does religion cause conflict?

The Roman Catholic Church

What is the Catholic Church?

The Salvation Army

What is it like to be a member of the Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army

How did the Salvation Army get started?

The Sanctity of Life

Why is the sanctity of life so important to Christians?

The Sense Lesson: Hope at Christmas

A Christmas lesson and assembly resource

The Sermon on the Mount

A summary of the greatest sermon ever...

The Story of Job

Is suffering a test?

The Theory of Evolution

God in Creation: 'Irreducible Complexity'

The Treatment of Criminals

The Trinity

Why is it important to Christians?

The Trinity and Creation

The role of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit...

The Trinity: An Introduction

What do Christians believe about God?

The Trinity: God, the Father

Who is God?

The Trinity: God, The Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Trinity: God, the Son

Who is God the Son?

The Trinity: Worship and Belief

How do Christians show belief in the Trinity through worship and belief?

The UK Abortion Law

The United Reform Church

What is the URC?

The Use of Animals

Do Christians accept the use of animals for food and experimentation?

The Vale of Soul-making

A Christian response to suffering

The Wellbeing Journey

An amazing new resource from Hope Together

The Welsh Revival

Important figures in Welsh Christianity

The Wild Goose

A Christian response to homelessness

Thomas Aquinas' First Three Ways

The cosmological argument expanded

Thomas Aquinas' The Five Ways

The cosmological argument expanded

Thomas Barnardo

What did Thomas Barnardo do that is so significant?

Threats to the World

Top 10 Tips for Teaching RE

with Lat Blaylock

Tour of a Welsh Chapel

Cymraeg and English versions

Translations of the Bible

Why has the Bible been translated into many languages?

Types of Family in the UK Today

Types of Prayer and Their Purpose

Tyr Pererin

House of the Pilgrim, St Davids

Unanswered Prayer

How do Christians respond?


Hear about 678Nath's faith journey


Why is God so important to rapper Aaron P'Reach?


Hear about D6's Christian faith


What made Jon decide to become a Christian?


Hear JOSHUi's testimony and music


Christian rapper explains his faith


What's important to Oz or O?


How did rapper Saint CJ become a Christian?

UNDER_GROUND: Still Shadey

Listen to Shadey's Christian journey here...


Why is rapper Tidez a Christian?

UNDER_GROUND: Zelijah Tishbite

Listen to Zelijah's explanation for the focus of his lyrics


Vicar Robes

What do the colour of the vicar's robes mean?

Virtue Ethics


Why are they important to Christians?

Visit Three Types of Church

Come & see inside different types of church buildings

Visiting an Anglican Church

What is life like in the Anglican Church?

Was Jesus the Messiah?

Clues in Matthew's Gospel

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Wedding Ceremony

What happens during a Christian wedding ceremony?

What are miracles?

Why are they important to Christians?

What are Religious Experiences?

What are Sacraments?

Different Christian views explained...

What are the Key Christian Beliefs About Sin?

What is meant by sin and what are the consequences of sin?

What did Jesus teach?

How much of what Jesus said do you know? Try this quiz to test your knowledge

What do Christians Believe About God?

A fun exploration of Christian belief about God

What do Christians Believe About Marriage?

What do Christians do at church?

What happens inside a typical church?

What do Visions Show About the Nature of God?

What Does it Mean to be a Christian?

Meet a Christian

What does the Bible say about the Church?

How does the Bible describe the Church?

What Does the Bible Say About War?

Does the Bible support conflict?

What Does the Church do in the Local Community?

What Does the Cosmological Argument Show About the Nature of God?

The first cause

What Does the Design Argument Show About the Nature of God?

What Does the Term 'Sacred' Mean?

Is it the same as 'holy'?

What Evidence is There for the Bible's Reliability?

Archaeological evidence for the authority of the Bible

What Happens When Someone is Confirmed?

What is Cynefin?

My place in the world

What is God Like?

Discover the nature of God through the story of Jonah

What is God like?

Learning activities exploring the nature of God

What is Pilgrimage?

Why would a Christian decide to go on a pilgrimage?

What is Repentance?

Why is it important to Christians?

What is Sin?

What is the Bible?

Join Jack as he visits a library and learns all about the Bible

What is the Bible?

An exploration of this very important book

What is the Book of Common Prayer?

Anglican liturgy

What is the Christian Response to Poverty?

What is the Church?

A building or a group of believers?

What Miracles Did Jesus Perform?

Why are they so important to Christians?

What's it Like Being a Christian?

A young Christian shares his thoughts...

When and where do Christians read the Bible?

Engagement with the word of God

When do Christians Pray?

Do they have to pray at certain times of the day?

When Rich Meets Poor

One Christian's life-changing journey to Romania

Where Does Evil Come From?

A Christian view

Where is God when bad things happen?

A Christian response to suffering...

Where is God? RE as a Search for Truth

with Lat Blaylock

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus?

An introduction to Jesus

Why are Christians Against Racism?

What does the Bible say about how to treat people from different race or faith backgrounds?

Why do Christians believe in God?

JB Gill shares what shaped his Christian faith

Why do Christians Believe in Life After Death?

Why do Christians Believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Why Do People Become Monks?

Listen to one monk's experience

Why Does Evil and Suffering Exist?

Why is Christmas Important to Christians?

The story of Christmas in the Bible

Why is Easter Important to Christians?

What is the resurrection?

Why is Jesus' Death so Important to Christians?


Why is Prayer Important to Christians?

Why is Stewardship so Important to Christians?

Why Might Miracles Lead to Belief in God?

William Paley's Watchmaker Analogy

Support for the design argument

William Tyndale

What did William Tyndale do that was so important for ordinary people?

WJEC Eduqas

2019 Paper and Mark Scheme

Women and the Church

How have women's roles in the Church changed over the years?

Women in Church Leadership

An interview with Kate Colman

Women's Roles

Read about the role of women in the Bible...

Worship Through Art

Stained glass windows at St Mary's Church, Iffley

Worship: Christian Art

How can ancient Celtic art influence contemporary Christian art?

Z-A of Faith & Spirituality

How do young people view faith and spirituality in the 21st century?