In this section we have compiled additional resources to equip you with engaging activities and help you in supporting your students relevantly.
John's Eyewitness Account of Holy Week
Hear about what John saw during the last week of Jesus' life
Episode 1 - The Triumphant Entry
As the Passover approaches Jesus decides it is time for he and his disciples to go to Jerusalem. Little did the disciples know what was waiting for them in this busy city.
Episode 2 - The Last Supper
As Jesus and his disciples sit and eat together things begin to become very strange. Why does Jesus, the rabbi, wash his disciples feet and what is on Judas' mind?
3. The Arrest and Trial
The only way those who opposed Jesus could guarantee his silence was through having him crucified. However the death sentence could only be passed by the Roman governor and so after his arrest Jesus had to suffer questioning by many people as well as a series of beatings
4. The Crucifixion
As John, Jesus' mother Mary and the other women look on - Jesus is nailed to the cross and left to die. Is this really the end? Can no-one do anything to stop it?
5. The Resurrection
It was early on the first morning of the week when Mary went to the tomb to perform the burial rituals on Jesus' body. But where is the body? Can Jesus really be alive or is Mary confused because of the grief?