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Revelation Through the Bible

The Bible is the most significant book Christians will ever read. This is because many believe it contains God's actual words, written down by people who had a revelation from him.

It is for this reason that the Bible is an important source of revelation. Inspired by God, the Bible is a book that helps people understand the nature of God; what he is like, and the things he holds to be important. 



Revelation Through Covenants

God made covenants - a posh word for promise - with a number of famous people in the Bible. Possibly the most famous are those involving Noah and Abraham. There are aspects of both covenants that provide revelation to Christians today.

The Covenant with Noah

Noah is famously known for his role in the building of the ark when God sent a great flood to destroy the earth. Less famous is the covenant that he made after, in which he promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood. As a sign of this promise, he would set a rainbow in the sky.

'With these words, I make my covenant with you: I promise that never again will all living beings be destroyed by a flood; never again will a flood destroy the earth. As a sign of this everlasting covenant which I am making with you and with all living beings, 


I am putting my bow in the clouds. It will be the sign of my covenant with the world. Whenever I cover the sky with clouds and the rainbow appears, I will remember my promise to you and to all the animals that a flood will never again destroy all living beings.' Genesis 9:11-15

REVELATION: This promise was made to 'all living things' (Genesis 9:17) and therefore offers Christians today assurance that they are safe; that God is faithful and keeps his promises.

The Covenant with Abraham

Abraham was told by God to leave the country of his birth to go to another land. The catch? He had no idea where he was going, but he did know that when he got there God would make it clear and provide him with what he needed. Also, God promised him that he was going to be the founder of a new nation.

Abraham did exactly as he was told, leaving his home country. Later God made a covenant with him, which can be read in Genesis 17.

God promised:

  • Abraham would have many descendants.
  • Some of these descendants would become kings.
  • Abraham would be the ancestor of many nations.
  • Abraham would be given the land of Canaan, which would belong to his descendants forever.

In return, Abraham promised:

  • To obey God and always do what was right.
  • To circumcise every male in the tribe and every baby boy when he is eight days old. This was to be a sign of the covenant.

REVELATION: This covenant shows Christians today that the most important thing they can do is obey God and do the right thing by following his teachings in the Bible. In return, they can expect God to reward them for their faith.

NB: This covenant is why Jewish people see themselves as God's chosen people. As a sign of this, they still circumcise their baby boys when they are eight days old today.