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Do Miracles Still Occur Today?
Listen to some examples of miracles experienced by Christians
The dictionary states that a miracle is: ‘A surprising or welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agent.’
Do miracles still happen today?
What does the Bible say about miracles?
This collection begins with a series of films where Christians describe times when they believe that miracles happened to them. This is followed by a modern retelling of healing stories from the Bible.
Martin's Story: A God who heals
Listen to this amazing story of how God healed a young man close to death.
Healing on the Streets
Sam is a follower of Jesus and believes that Jesus still heals people today. He goes out onto the streets of towns and cities, offers to pray for people, and has seen God heal in amazing ways.
Patricia's Story: God's Provision
Patricia explains how God provided for her even before she realized she had a need.
Adrian's Story: Miracle Baby
When Adrian was born three months prematurely, no one thought that he would survive. Watch his amazing story here.
A Changed Heart
Christians believe that a healing of someone's character and broken life can be as much of a miracle as a physical healing. Listen to Dave's story for one example of this.
Jairus' Daughter
When the daughter of a Jewish leader becomes sick and dies, the only place he can think of to find help is by going to Jesus. Watch a retelling of this miraculous story. You can read about it in the Bible in Mark 5:21-43.
The Jailer's Wife
Imagine being a jailer and suddenly a huge earthquake shakes all the cell doors open. Imagine your shock when you discover none of the prisoners have escaped but instead they are in their cells singing hymns and praising God. This is a retelling of the miracle from the perspective of the jailer's wife.
Paralysed man at the Beautiful Gate