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Charity: CARE

What is CARE involved with?

Making a Christian difference for the sake of the future...

CARE LogoCARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) has its roots in the 1971 Nationwide Festival of Light which took place in Trafalgar Square on 25 September 1971. By early evening, 60,000 Christians had gathered together, with the aim of lobbying the government about social issues of the time.

During the next few decades CARE grew into distinct departments to address different social needs: CARE for Education (schools), Care Confidential (women), Caring Services, Care for the Family (family life), long-term and remand Fostering and Evaluate (sex and relationships education). CARE’s vision is to see a society that has greater respect for the sanctity and value of human life from fertilisation to its natural end. The organisation aims to achieve this vision by:

  • Promoting Christian action, research, and education to support children, single people, marriage, and family life effectively.
  • Encouraging Christians to pray for society
  • Assisting Christians to understand social and moral issues in public policy, education, and the community.
  • Challenging Christians to become actively involved in the democratic process, to be effective salt and light where there is a need for truth and justice.
  • Equipping Christians to show the love of Christ in their communities through practical caring.

Find out more about CARE at

“CARE (Christian Action Research and Education) is a well-established mainstream Christian charity providing resources and helping to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives.  CARE demonstrates Christ’s compassion to people of all faiths and none believing that individuals are of immense value, not because of the circumstances of their birth, their behaviour or achievements, but because of their intrinsic worth as people.  CARE is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies, at the EU in Brussels and the UN in Geneva and New York.” Find out more at