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How do Miracles Offer Evidence of the Nature of God?

Free Green Text Based Tiles On Black Background Stock PhotoWhether miracles really happened or not is, for Christians, a case of faith and trust in God and a belief in the Bible as ‘God’s word.’

Miracles in the Bible are important to the whole Bible story. They are there to show what God is like, His love, power, and plans for His creation.

Christians believe that the miracles of the Bible are recorded to show that God cares and is at work in His world. Miracles are also there to encourage people to believe in God for themselves. As Jesus said:

"Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of what you have seen me do." (John 14:11)

After the Holy Spirit came to the early Christians (Acts 2) they also began to perform many miracles as God's power was at work in them. Many Christians believe that same power through God's Spirit is still at work today.



  1. Listen to some miracle stories by clicking here.
  2. Choose one then explain what this miracle tells us about what God is like.


Find out more... One man who believed in miracles for his time was George Müller. Read his story of caring for thousands of Bristol's orphans with nothing but his faith in God to provide.