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A space for resources to help RE teachers and their students explore the Christian faith
“A huge resource to treasure.”
Lat Blaylock, Editor, RE Today

We are delighted to share with you our library of resources. You can use the filter feature below to find topics most relevant to your curriculum.


Conversion Experience

Cymraeg and English versions

Conversion Experience

Learn from Christians about why they decided to become a Christian...

Conversion Experience

How can a new faith impact someone's life?

Conversion Experience: A Changed Life

From criminal to Christian

Do Miracles Still Happen Today?

Two Christians share their experience

Do Miracles Still Occur Today?

Listen to some examples of miracles experienced by Christians

Does God Exist?

Reasons for belief in God

Evidence for God's Existence

Where can we find proof that he exists?

Faith: Answers to Prayer

Listen to a Christian's experience of God answering her prayers...


What do Christians believe about earning God's approval?

How Can We Be Sure God Exists?

What is God like?

Intelligent Design

Was God involved in the creation of the world?

Is Jesus God's Reflection?

Jesus In One Word

Christians describe Jesus in one word...

Jesus: Key Questions Answered

What do we know about Jesus?

Jesus: The Incarnation

Why is Christmas so important to Christians?

Jesus: The Messiah

An exploration into why Jesus is believed to be the Messiah promised in the Old Testament

Made in God's Image

What does 'imago Dei' mean?


How did the Church begin?

Pentecost: The Gift of the Holy Spirit

What do Christians celebrate at Pentecost?

The Apostles' Creed

What do Christians believe?

The Bible vs the Apostles' Creed

The Trinity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

What does the Holy Spirit do?

The Nicene Creed

What do all Christians believe?

The Trinity

Why is it important to Christians?

The Trinity: God, the Father

Who is God?

The Trinity: God, The Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Trinity: God, the Son

Who is God the Son?


Hear about 678Nath's faith journey


Why is God so important to rapper Aaron P'Reach?


What made Jon decide to become a Christian?


Christian rapper explains his faith


What's important to Oz or O?


How did rapper Saint CJ become a Christian?

UNDER_GROUND: Still Shadey

Listen to Shadey's Christian journey here...

What are miracles?

Why are they important to Christians?

What Does the Term 'Sacred' Mean?

Is it the same as 'holy'?

What is God Like?

Discover the nature of God through the story of Jonah

What is God like?

Learning activities exploring the nature of God