We are delighted to share with you our library of resources. You can use the filter feature below to find topics most relevant to your curriculum.
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St Wilfrid's, Northwich

What does a Christian funeral look like?

Explore St. Davids Cathedral with Canon Dorrien Davies

Christians caring for the natural world

What kind of love does God have for people?

St Mary's, Nantwich

What is so special about the Bible?

The story of the Bible in five minutes

Why did Jesus die for humanity?

What is the big story running through the Bible?

How did Judaism begin?

Who were Jesus' Disciples?

Why was Daniel thrown in the lion's den?

Why is Easter so important to Christians?

What is so important about Easter for Christians?

What happened when Jesus was baptised?

Why did God flood the world?

What is a pilgrimage?

Why do Christians believe they should care for the world?

Where did everything come from?

An interactive exploration of the Christian Creation Story

What does the Bible say about creation?

Where did sin come from?

What did Jesus do that is so great?

Why did Jesus do miracles?

What happened at the first Christmas?

What does the New Testament contain?

What did Jesus teach?

What rules for living did God give Moses?

How well do you know the story of Zacchaeus?

A special promise from God

Stories from the Bible

What can Christians learn about God through the story of Noah?

Stories from the Bible

Stories from the Bible

What does this story teach Christians?

What happens when Jesus visits a very greedy tax collector?

How does Ripple Effect help the poor in Africa?

An exploration of the work of Tearfund

What do the Christian symbols mean?

What do these Christian symbols mean?

Different denominations explored

Where did our Christmas traditions start?

What is the story behind the Christmas celebrations?

Discover the Christmas traditions.

Find out more about Christmas as you play along with this interactive game

What happened at the first Christmas?

What happened at the first Christmas?

Learn about the people in the Christmas Story

A simple, interactive resource introducing church

What colours are used throughout the Roman Catholic year?

Why are special colours used during the church year?

Explore the key features of three different churches

A video exploration of communion

A simple, interactive resource introducing communion

How does Compassion International tackle poverty?

What does the Bible tell us about how the world was created?

What happens during a dedication service?

A tour of a church

How do Christians use music in worship?

What has chocolate got to do with Easter?

Can you retell the Easter story?

A series of videos exploring the events of Holy Week

An interactive exploration of this important festival

Who created the world?

How has their faith inspired these artists and their work?

Learn all about Harvest through the story of Squeak the mouse

A brief interactive activity

Why did Jesus die on the cross?

What happens in churches during the week?

What happens during an infant baptism?

A simple, interactive resource introducing infant baptism

What can you find inside a church?

The different members of the Trinity appear together

Was Jesus the Messiah that everyone was waiting for?

What can we learn from the widow who gave just two coins away?

Find out about agape love

Why is Christmas so important to Christians?

What do Christians believe happens after they die?

What does 'imago Dei' mean?

What does this miracle teach Christians?

What happened when ten men were healed from leprosy?

Who was this man of faith and what did God promise him?

Jesus' teaching through stories

What parables do you know?

Stories Jesus told

How are we to treat others? Jesus teaches about loving others

Would you stop and help someone in need?

How should we treat other people?

What can Christians learn through these parables?

What happened when a foolish son wasted all his father's money on parties and expensive gifts?

How can you be generous with your forgiveness?

What does this parable teach Christians?

How can we make the most of the gifts that we have?

Stories Jesus told

How many times must Christians forgive someone?

What can Christians learn from this story?

What happened to the house that was built on sand and the house that was built on rock?

How does God speak to people today?

What is salvation? (Easier)

Can science and faith be compatible?

Why be anxious?

Enjoy a virtual tour of the cathedral...

What do Christians believe about caring for the environment?

What does it mean to be a 'good steward'?

What is remembered on Ascension Day?

What does the book of Genesis say about creation?

Who was this Jesus?

What does it mean to be part of Christians in Sport?

An in-depth look at the Lord's Prayer

A summary of this famous festival

What do Christians believe happened on Easter Sunday?

What do Christians believe about God?

A Christian response to homelessness

What happens during a Christian wedding ceremony?

Discover the nature of God through the story of Jonah

Join Jack as he visits a library and learns all about the Bible

An exploration of this very important book

The story of Christmas in the Bible

How can ancient Celtic art influence contemporary Christian art?