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A space for resources to help RE teachers and their students explore the Christian faith
“A huge resource to treasure.”
Lat Blaylock, Editor, RE Today

We are delighted to share with you our library of resources. You can use the filter feature below to find topics most relevant to your curriculum.


Bible Quest: Abraham & Sarah

How did Judaism begin?

Bible Quest: Daniel

Why was Daniel thrown in the lion's den?

Bible Quest: Isaiah

How does God speak to people through prophets?

Bible Quest: Jonah

What happened to Jonah when he ran away from God?

Bible Quest: Judges & Kings

Who were the Judges and Kings of Israel?

Bible Quest: Moses

How did God save His people from the Egyptians?

Bible Quest: Noah and the Flood

Why did God flood the world?

Bible Quest: The Creation Story

Where did everything come from?

Bible Quest: The Creation Story

An interactive exploration of the Christian Creation Story

Bible Quest: The Creation Story

What does the Bible say about creation?

Bible Quest: The Exile to Babylon

Why were the Israelites taken into slavery?

Bible Quest: The Fall

Where did sin come from?

Bible Quest: The Old Testament

Bible Quest: The Ten Commandments

What rules for living did God give Moses?

Bible Stories: Daniel in the Lions Den

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: David and Goliath

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Elijah

What do Christians learn about God through Elijah's story?

Bible Stories: Jonah

What can Christians learn about God from Jonah's story?

Bible Stories: Joseph and His Dreams

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Moses

What can Christians learn from the life of Moses?

Bible Stories: Noah

What can Christians learn about God through the story of Noah?

Bible Stories: Noah and the Flood

Stories from the Bible

Bible Stories: Ruth

Stories from the Bible

Creation: Pairs Game

What does the Bible tell us about how the world was created?

Exploring Creation

Who created the world?

Made in God's Image

What does 'imago Dei' mean?

Noah Pairs Game

Who was this man of faith and what did God promise him?

The Bible: Old Testament

Explore some stories from the Old Testament